Clouds, organized by Adam Simon
December 15
January 26, 2013
Opening reception:
December 15, 2013,
6- 8 pm
Tell me, you enigmatic man, whom do you love the most? Your father, your
mother, your sister or your brother?
— I have neither father, nor mother, nor sister, nor brother.
Your friends?
— You’re using a word whose meaning remains yet unknown to me.
Your homeland?
— I ignore even the latitude where it is situated.
— I would be happy to love her, goddess-like and immortal.
— I hate gold like you hate God.
Well then, what do you love, extraordinary stranger ?
— I love the clouds… the clouds that pass… down there… over there… the
marvelous clouds!
"The Stranger" by Charles Baudelaire
from Le Spleen de Paris
Translated by Paul D’Agostino
Michele Araujo Valerie Hegarty Zach Rockhill
John Baber Lisa Hein Hanneline Røgeberg
Perry Bard Eric Heist Bob Seng
David Brody Elana Herzog Ward Shelley
Deborah Brown Brece Honeycutt Lisa Sigal
Sharon Butler Patrick Killoran Susan Silas
Caroline Cox Byron Kim Adam Simon
Paul D’Agostino Greg Kwiatek Tim Spelios
Nuno de Campos Kerry Law William Stone
Peter Dudek Eric LoPresti Richard Sullivan
Joy Episalla Thomas Micchelli Jude Tallichet
Rochelle Feinstein Matthew Miller Kate Teale
Hermine Ford Loren Munk Mark Tribe
Matt Freedman Edie Nadelhaft Fred Valentine
Munro Galloway Laura Newman Daniel Wiener
Rico Gatson Bruce Pearson Carrie Yamaoka
Ben Godward Liza Phillips
Jacqueline Gourevitch Cathy Quinlan
Larry Greenberg Beth Reisman
Charles Hagen